
Gift wrapping ideas!! (already 22th day :O)

This post is like part two to the previous post about cute gift tag ideas. I thought I'd also show you some gift wrapping ideas! :) These ideas are something that can make your presents look maybe even more amazing and also more personal + handcrafted looking!

1. Add candy :)

Love this! I use brown paper and twine for wrapping, but love the extra flare for kids :) 

2. Use pictures to decorate your presents! Pictures can also be good and funny gift tags ^^

Pictures instead of tags... must remember for Christmas!

3. For small gifts, reuse toilet paper rolls and make little boxes out of them. Decorate nicely so nobody would notice ;)

Could be used as name tags at a Christmas dinner table! And have party favours inside?

4. As always, go ahead and try out some washi (or other kind) tape decorations :)

washi tape gift wrapping ideas

5. The wrapping paper doesn't have to be paper!

6 Unique Wrapping Paper Ideas | theglitterguide.com

6. Paint something pretty, doily for example ^^

doily wrap!

7. I don't know why, I just find this very cute and funny! :'D

Via Instagram @ Sketchinc

That was all for now! Once again, pictures are from Pinterest. :) See you tomorrow!!

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